Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My life

I feel like I live a boring life. I go to school everyday and when I'm not in school I'm working. I work two jobs and it gets to be so much and stressful with everything going on. What really makes it worse is when my friends ask to hang out and I tell them I can't because I have to work. Then when I'm finally free they are always busy. It seems like things just never go the way you want them to.

I'm so glad when this break finally comes I finally can relax. I mean yeah I'll still have to work, but that's at five so I pretty much have to whole day to do absolutely nothing. It be nice for once I don't have to stress out about school. It will give me a chance to catch up on things and have time for myself. I'ts well deserved. Yeah I no it's apart of being an responasible adult


  1. wow..i completely understand how u feel..i work 60 hours a week and go to school and friends arent really in my vocabulary right now..but it will benefit us in the long run..keep focussed.

  2. wow i understand completely! i work two jobs also and go to school full time...its sucking and im failing ugh
